Take The Pledge…

It is easy to forget or perhaps not fully understand the damaging effects that gossip can have on your fellow human. In this day and age where rumor and gossip travels and gets amplified through social media, it is especially important to try and eliminate such potentially destructive behavior. So take the pledge today and refrain from gossiping. Use the hashtag #GossipKills to signal your participation. 


A kinder world for us all…

Take a moment to remember a time where you endured the pain that gossip brought about to your own life. That specific instance may have been rather minor for you, but there are those that have literally had their lives destroyed by gossip that is often times spread like a wildfire through the various messaging and social media platforms. At #GossipKills our goal is to create a kinder and more considerate world. Take a second to think about the ramifications to your fellow human being who has feelings just like you before you decide to share gossip about them.

Give it a try. No one is perfect.

The idea of not gossiping can be complicated. What is considered gossip and when is thoughtful discussion necessary or perhaps even required.  To be honest, this is a complicated and nuanced discussion that we hope to delve into in the future. For now though, we simply hope that more thought is put into our discussions. Is this gossip that maliciously spreads rumor or even truth that will unnecessarily impact someone else?

  • Think – Taking a moment to analyze the power and effects of gossip will help to avoid irreparably damaging someone else. 
  • Feel Put yourself in their shoes. Would you want such gossip said about you or someone you love? If not, that is a good signal that it is probably better left unsaid.
  • Mistakes Happen – No one is perfect and there is always room for improvement. Gossip will be a reality of everyone’s life but even if you slip up and spread such negative discussion, you can make up for it by avoiding it next time. 
  • Natural Tendency – We as humans seem to really enjoy talking about others. Why? Hmmm… Regardless of the reason, accepting it as a natural tendency that can be greatly manged is the first step towards improvement. 
  • A More Fulfilled Life – Not spreading gossip will certainly make another person live through less pain but it will also lead to you living a more kind and fulfilled life. Who doesn’t want that?

Continue reading “Give it a try. No one is perfect.”

Panel 1

Put Yourself In Their Shoes

One of the most effective ways in diminishing gossip is to “put yourself in the shoes” of person who you are about to gossip about. Think about how it would make you feel.

“How would your life be different if…You walked away from gossip and verbal defamation? Let today be the day…You speak only the good you know of other people and encourage others to do the same.”

― Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free


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Panel 2

Latest News

Panel 3

How To #TakeThePledge


Accept that you will likely gossip but a conscious effort to avoid such negative talk is what will make a true difference toward making this a kinder world.

  • Spread The HashtagUse the hashtag #GossipKills on your social profiles to spread awareness for this initiative. 
  • Start A Discussion – Discuss the negative effects of gossip and how one can diminish practicing this damaging habit.
  • Encourage OthersLet others know that we all slip up but even one instance of not spreading gossip makes a big difference in at least one other persons life.

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Panel 4 Placeholder